Creative gay pride shirts

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Hahaha just what I needed as a gay person, a pride coloured corporate logo. Oh, those are looking nice, tempting to buy shirt and sweater. We are part of the Blizzard Gear Shop affiliate program, and a small part of sales from the above links will go to supporting the site.Ĭomment by Silverhustle on T22:42:44-05:00 The Wowhead Shop also offers a Wowhead Rocket Pride Sticker, either individually or as part of our Sticker Pack. View Men's Pride T-Shirt View Women's Pride T-Shirt View Pullover Hoodie Allen Brack wore the design during BlizzConline, which prompted even more of the community to inquire as to where they could obtain one. This release was made possible by Blizzard employees that wanted to share a design they've had available to them for years with the rest of the Blizzard fanbase.

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In 2019 Blizzard released an enamel pin with the same design that directly benefited The Trevor Project, though the pin is no longer available. The new set of apparel includes a Men's & Women's T-Shirt and a Pullover Hoodie. Blizzard has revealed a new set of apparel commemorating their ongoing commitment to LGBTQ+ Pride throughout the company and on behalf of the communities they serve.

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